In the Popup, the player is s talking to them selfs, and the Popup I need the player name in says “Ok, ok. Calm down (Player name)”
yeah no you cant do that, but you can broadcast their name off a trigger by using the blockcode broadcasting to the send message thing, @Gearfax1
I copied and pasted a guide that shows how to input ____ died but you can just use it to braodcast the players name:
Lifecycle Settings:
Event: Player knocked out
Wire it to a notification like this:
Event occurs → Run Wire Pulse Block
Make it send a notification when receiving on “Insert Channel here”
Make sure it sends to everyone
Now, Block:
Set Title: Triggering Player’s Name
Content: " has died!"
Then a new block:
Broadcast message on channel: “Insert Channel here”(Same channel as to sending the notification)
And you’re done!
If you are using a Chromebook, make sure to do Full-screen, or it won’t show up. I think it does on a Macbook, but I’m not sure. Try to do Full-screen for Activity Feed, at least. If you are doing Activity Feed:
Have a trigger that is triggered by a wire from the Lifecycle:
Add Activity Feed for everyone: Create Text with: Triggering Player’s name
“has died!”
creds to Blizzy for the text btw
Ok I’ll try, if i actually uderstand what ur saying
I don’t know if I can set up a sentry like that due to the map set up
is the pop-up activated by a zone or a teleporter, or anything that can detect when a player goes inside it?
For the zone:
for the bottom trigger:
for the property:
for the top trigger:
for the pop-up:
i didn’t playtest it, not sure if it actually works
@unavailible I tested it, and it doesn’t work. @Gearfax1 There’s a way but the name will be in the content of the popup.
You need a button and a popup.
The buttons settings should look like this:
(You may change the transmit channel if needed)
Popup should look like this:
And head over to the popup blocks and select the “When Receiving On Channel” block.
Code will look like this:
And that should work! If you need anymore help or want something else, reply!
(@FatKat’s reply below this uses the code better )
Couldn’t you do this?
(There’s a space after the “down”)
It looks like this:
Yeah, that works way better. My brain broke when I was trying to figure out how to do that.
I was about to say that lol
I was surprised no one else said it before.
Isn’t it inactive by now?
Probably, and hopefully
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