How do I make a link for my new games

How do I make a link for my new games

Click on the bottom-left hand corner button (options), then the second-to-last button (Publish and Save), and then click the top button (Publish) to publish the game! The link only lasts for 1 week, though. Also remember, the forum is not for codes! Please don’t post them here!


What will happen after you publish it

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You can give the link to anyone, and they can play your game for 1 week. After that, the link will expire and you will have to publish it again.

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What do you mean how do I give it to them

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You will be given a link to copy, and from there, you can email, text, etc. to anyone!

(or you could just write it down and hand it to a friend)

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You can send it on the wixsite or to your friends.
(Codes are not allowed here because it causes spam and clutter)

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If you want to host your game, copy and paste that link into a seperate tab then share the code with your friends.

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You can also post them on the GCC.

Remember to mark a solution to avoid clutter!