(I looked at other solutions yes, but they all had pictures that were deleted so I had no idea what to do other than make a help topic.)
So in gimkit platformer, I want to make a game overlay say your Y-coordinates, and when you go up, the Y goes up. and when you go down, the Y goes down. I want something like that but I don’t know how to do it :/ please help.
the pictures aren’t showing.
also who set this to ideas?
So place down the coordinates device. Attach the y-axis to a property, I recommend naming it y
or y-axis
. Have the property broadcast on a channel whenever it changes. Finally, place an overlay down (set to text), and in the blocks
, do the following;
set text: create text with: get property: y-axis
The block code should run when receiving on the channel that the property broadcasts on.
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