How do I make a fishing system using bait?

I have tried before in making a fishing system using a randomizer but how do you make it so it makes it a rarer chance of getting certain fish like there is a small chance of getting a gimfish and a higher chance for a purple fish?

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This should do the job .

Also please search before posting to avoid clutter and all that.


I mean Dinosaur’s link to the guide should help, for example you just put a smaller value in the code so: if num is greater or equal to 250 do broadcast on channel “purple fish” and if num is grater or equal to 800 do broadcast on channel “gimfish” just make the rarer fish bigger number and the common fish smaller numbers.


yep also great seeing you again here!

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Great seeing you too!!!

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@Crazy_Banana If you have what your looking for then mark a solution please!

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I can confirm this works I used it yesterday


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