(PLs check the below conversation) Also, pls help me quick. I live in the middle east and it’s almost 11:20 P.M
We need more details…
What exactly do you want help with?
Ilike Minecraft pressure plate?
when you enter the zone it Opens the dor and when you leave the zone it closes
As you can see, I’m struggling a lot.
Put another zone on the other side of the door with the exact same settings, but resized.
Can you provide, like, an image or a screenshot? I’m better with pictures
Ok. Hold on a second.
Is using channels ok or do you prefer wires?
I prefer wires__________
Also, thanks 4 being so helpful. You’ve no idea how much this will help me
I have got to go now. It’s time to sleep. I live in the Middle East as mentioned above, so u can reply and I’ll check back in tomorrow
Ok, place a barrier and a zone on top of it (this is in platformer but will work in top down)
Wire the zone to the barrier
Place a wire repeater
Wire the zone to the wire repeater
When player leaves zone → repeat wire pulse
Wire the wire repeater to the prop
Wire pulse → show prop
So like a smooth animation where the door slides smoothly?
Nah, just a door that opens again when you go the other way I think.
ik how to do it I can provide pictures If u want
its easy and I have used it in many of my games before
This is an easy question, @Minecraft_Steve. Just use a barrier and put it next to the door. Then, have it so that there are two doors, one active when the game starts and the other not active when the game starts. When the player enters the zone to exit, the first barrier is deactivated, and the second one is activated.
tbh you don’t need 2 doors here lemme get some pictures
The question’s already been answered, OP is asleep rn they live in Middle East.
ok but this is a good alternative to it
Thank you, That’s_Gimpossible for the help. Your solution actually worked! Thank you so, so much! I don’t know how to thank you!