How do I get all the badges (off topic)

Just ignore @Cock for now, he’s banspeedrunning

it looks good maybe add some details in a guy chasing someone .
like some space debris.

why would he do that

Probably for attention

ok I’m trying to think of a way to make it appropriate don’t worry it will be

ok @AnyPerson it ok it’s like they say tryer and error but never give up

how do you become a regular
but what do they mean by non-PM

This post

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but what do they mean by non-PM

I think its non- private message

how do you do non- private message

Just don’t try to make a Private message attempt on a post to someone

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@gimmaster12345 what is GKC


Gimkit Creative

@2nd_place_guy here it is (again)

perfect but can you fix this

I remembered something what you need to add put helper is 1st place guy

like this,

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perfect thank you I’ll send you a showcaser before I publish it when it’s almost done

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