basically, when im bringing a flag from the enemy team to the capture area, it doesn’t wanna make it a point, I can send images/gifs if you don’t believe me…
Wire the flag capture zone to a counter which links to a team property…
Set the point tracker to “Property” and set that property to the one your using to determine the score
Check the capture area, it may be on the wrong team, or the flag.
no, like the flag doesn’t wanna be captured.
fair, I don’t know how to use tags…
yes, ofc I’m here dawg.
Flag capture zone?(auto captures)
Try deleting the capture zone, add a new one, and if that doesn’t work, do the same with the flag.
is the flag capture zone capturing on the correctly colored flag?
Check that in the settings.
yes, like, most (all) times it should work like that, but mine doesnt.
my computer was glitching and it didn’t show any replies.
yes, the orange team gets the purple flag, brings it back, and is (supposed) to get a point.
Can I see the settings?
Yeah maybe you should show us pictures so we can see clearly.
of what? the flag or zone?