How do I change a players team without them respawning and keep the ability to tag?

when a player changes teams they always respawn you cant not make them not respawn.

It’s impossible for a player not to respawn when switching teams, unless they’re not really switching the team, and instead are just making an alliance or something.

yes indeed, welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

Mark a solution, most of us said the same thing.

yes because its the only anwser

There is a way, if you’re willing to sacrifice lots of memory and time.

Coordinate boards, pseudo teaming, and tons of checking

couldnt you just make it so if tagged it makes that person a tagger no teams needed?

this isn’t that hard.
Make it an FFA game. Set your tag zone to NOT automatically respawn a player. When a player is tagged, run some block code that checks if the players item amount (kept by a property via an IIM) is equal to the team that is tagging (also kept by a property). That property will change when the team tagging changes. The amount of that item is the team they are on. To change the team, give or take that item from them.

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This sounds like a good idea, how do I make the player with less of the item respawn after the check?

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well the check would check for the item and if they dont got it Poof they die

Use a checker and if the player doesn’t have a certain item them it switches them to spectator mode!

Yes, how do I make them respawn? What devices or blocks should I use?

I will try to do this

You use a checker spawn pad relay lifecycle item granter and starting inventory!

You can make teams represented by an item rather than the team setting itself. Though I have no idea how to implement that.

There is a device that knocks out the player

How about you try using this for your question!

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How do I check properties? It allows me to check if an item amount is greater than a number but not if it is greater than a property

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Read the guide! And if your trying to check a property it needs to be a number property so that when the number is equal greater or less than the checker checks to see if the property passes.

You would check it with some block code, preferably in a trigger. If it is not equal to the tagging team property, then broadcast a message that activates the force respawn device and respawns them. Here, you might also want to trigger something to keep track of points.