November 25, 2023, 2:50am
Check this post out!
by @Coral
The checkpoint is a newly added device.
The checkpoint serves as a spawn point for when a player touches it.
Visible in game: Will the players be able to see the checkpoint, if yes they know that they hit it, if no they will not know that the pushed the button!
Times it can be activated, if the player hits it once, will the checkpoint be gone, if you set it to infinite, then the checkpoint will never be gone!
Activate when receiving on ____
When the checkpoint receives on a channel, it will set the spawn point to where the checkpoint is located!
Deactivate when receiving on _____
Deactivates the checkpoint once receiving a signal from said channel.
Wires out Checkpoint activated ------ Action
When a player hits the checkpoint, will something happen
Wires in Action done ---- Set as active checkpoint
When an action is done, will it set this as the players spawn point!
This device looks cool, and the function is cool! What will you do with this? Create a galaxy, or make a long RPG game?
It also plays a sound effect when you step on it, kinda like a bubble popping.
In short, the checkpoint sets your spawn point once activated either by collision or through a wire/channel.
(It sets your spawn point where it got activated/triggered by collision)