How could I make a hard boss fight?

So I’ve been playing a lot of this game called figment 2. I’ve played and beat the 1st and 2nd one but I loved the boss fight and I was wondering how to make one like it

If you need an example let me know
It’s also a very musical boss fight where you don’t really fight the enemy but instead tire them out.

This might help.


Layer sentries over each other to make them fire more projectiles at you.

All the images are deleted.


the help topics are doomed

Too much memory.

Lemme fix that…

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Should I add a video for an example?

  • Yea
  • Nah
0 voters

For an example I found the video from the game

(Yea I know it looks weird)
(If I need to remove this let me know please please please I beg you)

Does it work now?

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Yeah. it works now.
(also I need help why does it say requested url could not be found when I didn’t put an url?)
So, when I edit my posts, it randomly says “The requested url could not be found”. when I didn’t even put an url and I can’t edit it for some reason.

@kirbb101 please mark toxic’s solution.

what url

idk why, so yeah

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