How can I start the players with a certain item I want them to start with?

I am working on a map, but the players must start with some stamina. Pls help me.

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Place a lifecycle device and wire it to an item granter. Configure the item granter with what you want to grant the player at the start of the game.

Lifecycle devices trigger when the game starts, and by wiring it to the item granter the item granter will run when the game starts.

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or a starting inv device


ya thats what I just did Im so sorry

Wait that’s a thing?


@RetroJaron Please mark this as a soultion.

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Lol I forgot that exists too


Welcome to the community!

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Welcome to the gimkit forums community!

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welcome to the community!

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I can already tell this forum is really gonna be great and helpful

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Totally! I recommend you read guides with the beginner-must-read tag! They are super useful!

Here’s a fun thing for you to read if you want something to think about:

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thanks very much talk to yall tomarow(spelt wrong)

Welcome to the Gimkit Community! :raised_hands:

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