Hogwarts Legacy People

@GimNo0b I need to get off the forums for a few days to deal with some personal problems, but here is how I made Sebastian. You could experiment and try to create other characters with this:
Use a plain sentry as a outline, paste ⬮ into your text box and copy it again into 3 more text boxes, change one of them to the prefered skin color, I found that R: 223, G:150, B: 119 is a pretty good one, then use dead bushes to make the hair, tint it the prefered color, then rotate and make it bigger to fit your needs. Also put the other two ⬮ text boxes as eyes. The place barriers as the clothing, I recommend making them the smallest square. The layering is important, the skin must be under the barriers, the eyes above, the sentry on the very bottom, you could use a scroll as a tie, just shrink it.
(Sorry I couldn’t keep on working on them)
You can mark a solution or you can ask WolfTechnology, Gimkitsuggestor, or Frozen Cursor for some more help.
Just ping them by putting @ in front or their names.
(I will attempt to respond if anybody pings me)

I’m a HUGE Harry Potter fan. Who is Sebastian Sallow, @Crimson_Knight? Is he in the books or movies?


He is in the new Hogwarts Legacy game.

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Oh, I haven’t played it. That explains why a Harry Potter nerd like me didn’t recognize him from the books or movies.

Good luck w/ your time off.


Thanks!!! I read all the book and watched all the movies as well, they are very good.
(I’m a huge bookworm)
Anyway back on topic, and see you in a few days.
Ugh I can’t seem to stop responding to people…


You don´t need to explain how to make a sentry to me i know how, and if @Frozen_cursor or @Gimkitsuggestor could make them it would be nice (the list of name are at the top)


same here. i used to read every harry potter book in, like, 5 hours.


don’t forget highwing!

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