HELLO!! Right now I’m asking for ideas for my new map Ultimate Prop-Hunt, tell me your amazing ideas, or anything I can improve on see ya
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This is kinda looks like an advertisement… and thats not allowed so
WELL I’m trying to make a prop-hunt and I need YOUR help with ideas @BountyHunterX so can you please give me ideas
or its just the way i was reading it…
(im confused…)
Sir, he said he wants ideas
Sure, lemme come up with some real quick.
(I may have to go very soon though, so you may not hear from me until tomorrow)
No, it’s not an advertisement @Colton I’m trying to ask for ideas
They said it in like one sentence…
Hurted my head.
ok well u put the title of u game and how to play it and last time i did that i got flagged for add so…