Help with trigger errors

I’m getting a notification about one of my triggers having an error running. Is there a way to check which trigger is having the error? I thought that it might display the name of the trigger in the error message, but it didn’t.

Another thing that is happening is that my counter is increasing by 2, even though it should only be increasing by one, since there is only 1 wire connected to it and no broadcasts and the wire only runs one time.

The error message means that a block had some sort of error running. There wouldn’t be any other way to check, other than using another activity feed item before that.

Yeah, I just want to figure out which triggers are having an error. Do you know some of the reasons why they break? It might help with bug testing.

I think it’s because you put a wrong datatype into a slot (like number into AND) or if you try to access an index of a string greater than the length of the string.


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