Help with questioner

When i enter the kit link it works but then the next day it doesn’t
and the kit still exist

This could be a bug

Maybe try making another kit? Or have you tinkered with the link any bit? Maybe you could have accidentally messed this up. Try again though, and if this happens again tomorrow, maybe make another post that’s a but about this issue.



Try re-enter the kit into your questioner, and check your other devices that could possibly messed them up, if there was any.

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Is it deactivated on game start?

I’ve had this bug multiple times. Re copy and paste the link and it should work.

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No and I recreated the kit and it still didn’t work

Did you set the visibility to public?

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Please be patient, and provide more informations, like screenshots, for example.

Okay. So please don’t spam caps at me :expressionless:

Be patent I’ll look in a minute.

Edit: I was too late lol; look at the other replies.


the kit

in the kit settings, see the public text in the top left?


Oh ok thanks @Txme_Lxss and sorry @Slim



its in the edit thing btw just wanted to say

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