Help with my role-playing map

In my RPG map, the players choose what team they are on and they spawn at a certain point based on their teams. When you spawn at that point, there is a popup that activates when you enter a zone on that spawn point. However, the spawn point is also the respawn spot, and I don’t want people to see that message more than once. So, how do I make it so that it deactivates for only triggering players?

This Happens(Trigger 1) → Specific Team(Relay) → Show(Popup)
Same Trigger(Trigger 1) → In Blocks:

  • Set Property “TeamPopupUp” (Or whatever channel) to True

Property “TeamPopupUp”:
Type: True/False
Player, not team or all. I forget what the section is called I haven’t played for so long…

Player Knocked Out(Lifecycle) → Trigger(Trigger 2) → Blocks:

  • If “TeamPopupUp” = False, Then " "
  • Else “Show Popup”(Popup)

Haha, that already seems like the solution to this topic.

Oh wait, I just realized that I can just transmit on a channel when a player is uses a teleporter

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