Help with my game Please =D

Screenshot 2024-11-29 10.11.12 AM

No no no!
There’s a way to save block code:


Thanks, but I know how to do it :smiley:

I will try to do every idea! (I want 50 [1])

  1. pleaseee ↩︎

A big sentry spawns at the center of the map, players have to come together to defeat it.

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What skin?
Do you want me to make a custom skin with barriers and props?

Big sentries are bad, you can stand inside them and fire upwards to cheese it.

I know that and it’s sad ;-; so I should add a zone that damages you if you come by it?

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Make it get angry and stomp, teleporting players out of the sentry and deal damage

Actually, you can make a barrier that is deactivated for sentries
Place a barrier, set it to not be active on game start, set scope to player
Now place lifecycle connected to all players relay which activates the barrier
The barrier will exist for you but not for the sentry!

Lol I know but I want to punish the players >:)

player spawns In a room with 10 sentries and has to beat them
player has to rise out of the lava
player has to try avoiding lasers
player has to to knock out 10 sentries with 20 hp while having a common zapper in 15 seconds
player has to run through a room full with 10 sentries armed with snowball launcher while having no gadgets and running at 0.5 speed

Maybe if they lose you could Rick roll them using text

You can just say “gadgets” or “oofers”.
Also, do a flash flood/other natural disaster and the player has to survive it with a certain amount of health and there’s a leaderboard after each event, to see who did best/worst, as well as a message saying who oofed and who survived, which I can help with if you want.

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2 players get into an arm wrestle based on mashing
whoever loses gets knocked out

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@IDK are you satisfied with the events or are you hungry for more?

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More pleaseee (if you want to) [1]

  1. I’m already satisfied ↩︎

  2. Nom Nom Nom! ↩︎


Make it rain asteroids.

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You could also make a player bl1nd for a couple seconds

Tic-tac-toe tournament
Connect 4 tournament
Weasel smacker

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Give a person a gadget and give them 30 seconds in an enclosed area. Let them go hail mary on everyone.
A ‘nothing’ event, and a random person is knocked out for no reason!

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