Help With My Game Called Mission Impossible

So I need Ideas for cool stuff in it like cool portals and stuff.
And some level theme ideas.
It is a parkour VERRY HARD GAME It still is in beta testing.

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I can help maybe

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what do you need

I guess u could add some secrets here and there every once in a while

I did do invisible barriers that are very hard to find.


Lasers? They go off at different times, so it’s harder to keep track of them.

Ok That Will Be a Good Idea!

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Isn’t there something in mission impossible where they fight on a train? You could try that.

It isn’t based off of the game @Toothless That’s Just the name.

Screenshots of the map:

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Oh! my bad. :sweat_smile:
You could still do it though.

I can definitely understand the name now.

I’ve Been really wanting someone to test it… @Toothless

Try sharing it on the wixsite, then someone can test it out.
(you could also test it yourself?)

I was saying could you test it?
The wixsite doesn’t work for me it says account not found.

pops out of nowhere

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I might not, you can’t share on the forums and since you can’t do it on the wixsite…

Uh We Have bios.
Anywayyyy back on topic

Mission Impossible might be copyrighted…

Mission Gimpossible already exists… I think…

Quest Ginevitable…