Help with Discovery Thumbnail

cryptoraider could I pose an Idea for a thumbnail

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thx Jobozo1875

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I know photopeas keybinds and everything not gonna switch now xd

still no, I’m happy with what I got

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not that new i had an account in the older ver of the forum so ive been here since the start to

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By the way, the size limit is 2MB

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Nice game! Just played it and when I loaded in I was like “What the inventory system?!” It is actually really good!

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Pretty much any thumbnail you upload, regardless of what it says, will work.

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Thank you, This was made 9 months ago, I just decided to finish it today because there was an update that was half-done xd.
I’ve been in the creative community since it came out, on the first day :slight_smile:

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