Help With Creating More Fun Secret Bonus Levels!

So, I recently posted my new parkour map, Parkour World, and its debut went…okay. 65 plays isn’t…bad, per se, but I was hoping for a LOT more. (especially for all the work I put into it; 2 whole MONTHS.) So, I’m thinking of adding some more Secret Bonus Levels as a new update so my map can get boosted back to the recents tabs. These are the bonus levels I’ve already made.

  1. A somewhat difficult set of prop jumps, with a set of pseudo–wall-jumps you have to jump onto. You have 60 seconds to do this.
  2. You have two options: Easy or Hard mode. Easy is just a simple set of pseudo-wall-jumps, no added stuff. Hard mode is more difficult wall jumps with a max-difficulty sentry waiting for you at the bottom. At the halfway mark, another sentry drops down to the bottom, so don’t fall!
  3. A long slope jump, followed by tiny prop jumps, a set of wall jumps, and then finally one last slope jump. You have 60 seconds to do this.
  4. some tricky prop jumps with a slop jump mixed in there, all with sentries and lasers to look out for.

Any ideas, fellas?
Landyn Speed

A real or fake prop level.

A Madman difficultly

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please no

It can be called prop or not.

The name comes from.

My 3rd lvl of my game.

That idea is actually really good!

This game is supposed to be RELAXING, not “bash your head in a window” stressful.


Ok, just hear me out.
They have to pick the right door to go through by solving math questions.

math is fun.

That a instant no for me


4x speed momentum based timed parkour with head bangs

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real or fake doesn’t connote guessing, the fake props would have something slightly off about them.

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But only madmans will do it tho that why it called madman for a reason


I KNEW I WASN’T WEIRD! I wanted to add a crossword puzzle section, where you solve word puzzles and slowly the path gets added. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

When somebody adds a madman section, everybody goes for it; not just the madmen. Also, has anybody noticed how patriarchal (male-centered) our vocabulary is? MANkind, madMAN, fireMAN, etc. etc.

But the problem is, I’m running out of space in my map. I’ve only got room for about 3 regular levels and 3 bonus levels. So I gotta make these ones count.

hear me out 2: geo-guesser but you have to parkour across diff platforms.

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What’s a geoguesser? Isn’t that the thing where you guess the country shown and whatnot?

ye, you get shown part of a platform (using a camera point) and have to find it

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GENIUS! Okay, one more bonus level, then I need ideas on regular levels that introduce new mechanics.
Level 1 was a dropper.
Level 2. was just prop jumps.
Level 3 introduced slope jumps.
Level 4 was a mini-boss fight.
Level 5 was a long wall-jump section.
Level 6 was putting it all together.

yessss. convert this to vertex form by completing the square:
2ax^2 + 13bx - 17

Every good parkour map has a slope jump level, maybe they slope jump through the ocean BUT they way you access this bonus level is an incredibly difficult slope jump level in level 3. And in this slope jump level in the ocean you have parkour around a boxed in area, finding 3 gimfish among all the fish to progress. But if you grab the wrong fish you respawn and go back to level 1 :D

Simplified, this would be 15x + b + a - 17, I believe?