Help With Bug With Xp and gimbucks


I used yesterdays coins

But the xp limit has not refreshed yet

you mean last wensday gimbucks

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Yes thats what I mean
The focus gim sucks thoe
I waisted my money.

…So, you start out with zero Gimbucks this week, and you bought the Focus Gim (or even more items) from Shop this week, and you still have 1,800 Gimbucks?

1,800 + 2,000 = 0?
I don’t get it.

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See exactly

no he saved 2,000 for this week for the focus gim

@NotYoyo THE explanation is here

Ohh sorry my bad @kirbyking @G-Code549


But how is this possible?
Paradoxically, you respond with

when I asked “How much Gimbucks do you start out this Wednesday”
This logic just doesn’t make any sense to me.

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oh wait what if he meant after he bought the focus gim

Ok I started with 2000 and bought focus then I grinded for the gims that are coming today and found the glitch @NotYoyo

I know, but sometimes I don’t get XP even when I fulfil the requirements for getting XP.

So What do I do exactly?

Makes more sense.



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Oh, let me double check:
You start out with 2,000 Gimbucks on the first week, and you purchased the focus Gim, which is 2,000 Gimbucks. And you grind another 20,000 XP the second week, but the problem is, there are 200 Gimbucks missing regarding you earned all the XP.

Is that correct?

Stop what? No one is getting off-topic.

Edit: ._.


yes stop arguing about this.

No one was arguing, we were just a bit confused!

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