I need help with this: When the imposter gets out the crewmate the imposter is out and the crewmate is not. I want to make it so the imposter stays in but the crewmate gets turnedd into spectator.
Uh take some lovely among us guides.
Search too, it’s probably out there somewhere.
So do a block thingy when person is knocked out (lifecycle) check if they are on a certain team and if so transmit to turn them to spectator and if not transmit on a channel to do whatever among us thing.
Oh and there’s a tag. So it’s probably in there somewhere.
Thanks you so much!!
No problem. Also maybe this one in particular is helpful. I have no clue, never played Among Us myself.
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wait do you want the crewmate to turn to spectator but not the imposter? @Raffi
I think the original poster might have misworded something, if that’s what you mean?
if you want that then use a game overlay button that turns on a tag zone that when somone gets tagged it makes them a spectator.
Say the imposter is on team 1 and everyone else is on team 2. Have a tag zone set to team 1. Then broadcast on a channel when a player on team 2 is tagged by the imposter. Place a team switcher that switches that player to a spectator when it receives on that channel.
Switch the imposter to another team for 15 seconds so that they can’t tag multiple people in a row.
Yes thats what i was saying, thank you for saying that clearly @Inkja31
Pretty sure this is solved @Raffi. You should probably mark a solution, unless you need help with anything else.
Adding on to that possibly, after the imposter tags someone, they should change back to team one for 15 ish seconds.
ALTHOUGH there’s a slight problem with that, what if the imposter doesn’t want to tag someone? couldn’t everyone just go in a a group, and then everyone just run at each other? (Dunno how to word it lol)
I might be wrong though
I think switching them to a third team is a little better, personally. Lemme add that to my post from earlier.
Okay, though that still doesn’t answer this part
you could use pickaxes?
Like… as an alternative to tagging?
Wouldn’t other people see the pickaxe? What if someone forgets to switch lol, I mean if you’re with a lot of people, and you just pull out a pickaxe ;-;
This is kind of a pointless conversation. The map creator hasn’t responded yet, and when they do, they might want it to be a certain way. Wouldn’t it be better to let them decide, and then construct a solution based on what they want?
(and also, when they are online, they can specify more on what exactly they are asking)
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