Help with a voting system

Could I have some help on a voting menu that pops up like in real among us and shows everyone’s names consistently works up to 8 players.
If you need any questions, just ping me!

I would first suggest checking out voting if you haven’t already. If you have and are still struggling, let me know!


You can use popups

thats basically the only thing i know

Maybe a n overlay then you connect it to a counter?

You can do a voting if it is platform. Just use a trigger and text

So i found some guides but they don’t involve like a menu that pops up on your screen and works like the real among us
lemme show you my voting room currently:

So you want it on the ground, or do you want to scroll through a pop-up menu?

a pop-up menu.
so when i press this button then it would teleport all players to a seat here and everyone gets a pop-up menu (it only supports 8 people max)

sorry for the confusion!

Yeah, no problem!
So umm the best guide on this got permanently deleted in the purge, sooo
I’ll see what I can do.

Also removed the among-us tag because it’s only for guides, don’t yell at me.

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maybe if i get it then i can make a good guide :laughing:

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@Here_to_help so just to get this straight, you’ll try to figure out soon?
just curious ._.

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Yeah well I’ve looked through everything and let’s be honest.

All of the voting guides that still exist are terrible.

So maybe we just have to make one ourselves…
I’ll get to work in creative.


If this helps let me know

i got that in my game already
thanks though!

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my voting system :sob:
@Here_to_help I am a pengoon now. I might eat mahself and become a tomato though :D

What you are asking is for a popup to appear, but with multiple names. The best I could guess is that you could use a dialogue device for the voting, but I’m not sure because I don’t have the pass. But there is a device I have in mind [for the future possibly]. The apocalypse role thing device lol.


luckily, I have the pass >:D
pay to win babyyy

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You know I meant the among us ones bob.
Since when do tomatoes cry
no I want tomato back so gimme tomato back or I eat all your tractors

Oh I’ve never used the dialogue device before, so if you wanna use that I’m useless. But if we’re trying it the old fashioned way I can do that.

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lemme try the dialogue and see if that works.
keep trying tho so we can hit two stones at one
also completely forgot bardy changed his pfp to a penguin lol

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Quick question:
are all of the players on their own team, or is the imposter on one and everybody else on the other?

well it’s among us random roles so all the imposter roles.
and I’ve been playing around with the dialogue box and still are but also,do you think there is a way so that when someone presses the button,everyone gets tped in a different seat?