Heyo, Gimkitters! I’ve found myself in a bit of a pickle. You see, I was doing some not-so-complicated block coding, right? And then I had a realization… i have no clue what i’m doing
So, I turn to you all. Can someone help me make a stopwatch that, when it hits 60, rounds up and becomes 1:00?
(if you can’t help, don’t reply)
And, I already have a semi-idea on what to do.
have the target be 60 then another that increase when target reached???
have the target be 60 then another that increase when target reached???
maybe a basic system would just be a checker checks for like 60 seeds then a block code will be triggered to then make 1:00
make a property number go up at the same rate you gain seeds
and their you go pretty much
Let me simplify that into steps
Make a property go up repeatedly and have a loop system for your seed granter and make sure they both increase at the same rate
get a checker to check for the certain amount of seeds and have it then transfer a signal to a negative seed granter to reset your seeds to 0 and have another signal coming from the checker to your property counter/ overlay with property on it. so make it so it sets the property back to 0 then have it do a set property + 100
I think that is pretty much a decently written description