Help with a goals scored = money system

im revisiting one of my old ideas, the game will be called No Fair Play, and it’s Blastball… BUT! you can knock your opponents out (still debating on if I should make it fragility or normal damage), and I always had trouble with one thing.
The aim of the game is to have the most goals scored by the end of the game (2 teams), but you start off with a common zapper, and you use the goals your team has scored to buy better gadgets (and also building supplies probably), and I’ve not (so far) found a reliable way to make a system like that, any ideas?
(ok real quick to specify, it’s going to be displayed on a scoreboard on the court, so it will most definitely use counters and properties)

It would be cool if it was fragility, and the edges of the field were zones that knock out the player, and if you knock a player into the goal, it knocks them out and counts as 5 points!

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If you are using goal zones (idk what they are called), connect them to an item granter that gives cash to the player/team that scores it. Then, have vending machines to give better gadgets.

I would, but I want it to affect the entire team (so if you want to buy a gadget, it would take the entire team’s goals so if your team had 7 goals, and bought a gadget worth 3 goals, it would make it so that your team has 4 goals)

Use channels instead of wires, and make it team scoped. (If this is possible - I’ve never really looked at ball capture zones in that much detail.)

i have an idea that uses buttons, properties, and counters (counters to display score, properties to keep track of points, and buttons for buying things)

Make a team captain that gets all the money

Just make a goal scored = 1 Cash. You can use a item granter thats wired to the goal. Some thing like
[Goal Scored]<>[Grant Item (1$)]