Help with a game I'm making

Hello there
I am currently making a game with a calculator inside it and need some help on the following things

Question 1

I need help making a calculator interface that looks like the apple calculator screen. I tried to make one out of barriers but I’m not good at that kind of stuff so I need help with that
The things needed for it are

  1. 0-9 buttons
  2. Percent and Decimal buttons
  3. Add, Subcract, Multiply, Divide and Equal buttons
  4. Text at the top to show the output
My current one

Question 2

I also need help making the calculator work.
some things it needs are:

  1. being able to input two or there digit numbers to add, subcract, multiply and divide
  2. percents and decimals being able to be used for the inputs and outputs
  3. Clear and backspace button

Reposting because I accidently deleted my other topic


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Hehe, we’re in for a treat aren’t we.
Well, all of the other calculator guides are pretty complicated, but this has become super easy because of text operations.

First off, we just have the players input what they want with those buttons. Then, we run order of operations, you know those, right?
We detect if the player entered a multiplication sign, and where, and then take the part before it and the part after it and multiply it, simplifing this equation. We then repeat the process until we’re fully simplified and have our answer.

Sorry for making it sound that easy, it’s not, but I don’t have a ton of time so I’m just stating a brief explanation, I can make you one later this week perchance.


This sounds like a great game, but making a calculator isn’t simple at all. I’ll also try making a calculator, but it won’t be that good. The backspace button would be taking away the previous digit(property) and the clear button would have to reset everything to its previous state.

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Is this the format you were going for?

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yeah, but the box’s should be filed in

this is one I made

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It’s fine if mine isn’t exactly like that right?

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yeah, as long as you can tell that it is a calculator

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I’m on for the tiniest bit of time, so I have some advice:

Make sure you have enough space for enough properties. Provided that you’re going to make some random sum that take 100000(exaggeration) numbers to make… welp… you’re going to need properties.

I’m going to go experiment since I have a bit of time.

One question: Are you only going to have 2 units adding/subtracting/dividing/etc.?


yes like
279x321 or 3.21x5
but not
3x17+4 or 500x2-25

Okay, that’s a relief. I believe I can help.

Wait no… maybe not. I’ll try to figure it out. The hard part is computing the number that you want to use.

I don’t think I have time to exactly make the system, but I have some ideas.

For one, you might want to have the player enter the number of digits they want to have first. That way, you don’t have to keep track of every single number that the player inputs. This way, it’ll be easier for you to code. You can use triggers/buttons and counters to do this, and connect the counter to a property so that the counter updates the property. I have an idea with the other blocks, and that includes having to figure out how exactly you want to multiply/divide/add/subtract Unit 2 from Unit 1. Sorry, I can’t help for now…



So I have an idea for moving around, but inputting numbers would require intense work. Good thing is there’ is a math section in block coding. :smiley:

That wouldn’t completely solve the problem. I wish there was a Convert Text to Number block… would really help with this, because… yeah…

I need to go now.

Really won’t be active anymore.

Sorry Forum!

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Oh wait what that makes things simpler than what I was gonna do.

There basically is…
but I won’t share my powers, hehehe.

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I mean like, just use text strings and triggers (w/ block code).

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where did you get the division symbol from?

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That’s a secret you’ll forever wonder about. :smiley:


Here it is… THE division symbol :slight_smile: ÷
Copy and paste it, hope it helps! You could have just searched “division symbol” on Google :sweat_smile:

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Finished w/ the calculator layout…

…Just gonna have me only braincells to try to add functions to it…