Help with a game I might make

so I’m thing about making this game called “do I have a right” but before I started I wanted to know if some parts of the game are possible

I can help. --links aren’t allowed btw–

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k link is gone

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what parts of the game are you questioning, and what is the game about?

Get money for winning cases and louse money for losing cases-use money to buy upgrades for your and lawyer- repeat for 7 days

I think you can use a button on the winning cases that grants them a specific amount of money, still working on the losing money

sry I was afk for a min.
Sounds cool

Maybe use blocks to randomize or create a set amount of Money that you get depending on how well your case is

Are you basing this off of the iCivics game “Do I have a right?”?

Yes thats the game

Neat! That’ll involve a lot of UIX, but I think it’s manageable…
I’d say use a lot of popups and CTAs in order to simulate the choices- the popup can be the case and the CTAs can be whether or not you’ll take the case. Otherwise, start by building the office and use a clock to set when sentries (people with cases) appear in the office with their case. You can interact with them with buttons, and if you don’t take their case they’ll deactivate, but if they do they’ll appear to sit down (maybe deactivate and activate a new sentry with the same gim to simulate this…)
Also, build a courtroom and have different judges. Then let the player choose their arguments, again using a popup and CTAs.
This is just how I’d go about making this- there are probably loads of other ways to make the game.

Here’s a link to the game trailer and the game itself in case people are interested. It’s about, well, you’ll see. I’ve played it and it’s actually pretty fun.

can’t decide on the computer or paper for the first upgrade

Looks good! Do you need help with anything else?
Or, I mean the paper looks nicer to show the upgrade. I misread that, sorry!

How’s the game going, Halloween_Coster? Need any more help? If not (and not to be a jerk), but maybe mark a solution/ask for someone to close this topic? Things are going a little off-topic…

yeah they definitely are

probably gonna wait another day to see if any problems come up making this

its going great, just finished the office

Alright, sounds good!
Everyone, until Halloween_Coster asks another question/gives another update, we shouldn’t reply because it’s uneccesarily bumping this topic.
Good luck with the game!

Good luck bro hope you can make a really fun game.