Help Please With This

This Vending Machine Is Gray And Glitches And I Can Go Through It.


And I Go In Edit Mode And It Deleted It’s Self

Is it on the top layer? If it’s below the barriers or not above the player, that could be why it’s glitching.


wait how’d you get that gadget on the vending machine? I thought it was only in apocalypse.

It’s a trolling thing… they used an item image.

items/item name

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Do you have it turned on to “visible in game”?

turn on “visible in game” and check the channels, you may have one of the channels set to: “activate when receiving on…” or: “deactivate when receiving on Game Start…”

Did the bug persist on reload?

I did something similar

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If you want help, please actually describe the bug and how you caused it to occur instead of just stating that something is bugged and providing no further details about the bug.


I feel like it’s something to do with the vending machine not rendering properly. Email Gimkit and be done.

Ok, The Details Are It Is Active On Game Start And Visible In Game.
It Also Deleted It’s Self.

still not enough details imo

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That’s All I Have, Sorry.

That is not true. You have not shown the settings of the vending machine nor the channels/wires of the vending machine.


Well you can see in ALL the pictures that he showed us that there are no wires.

Maybe delete the vending machine and put it again.

I NEVER use Wires, They are messy and make me GAG.