So basically, I want to make it so you can only have one evil eye, or one quantum portal, thought there are 4 gadget slots
Maybe you can use a checker, and set it to allow only one of whatever item.
I don’t completely understand. Are you saying you want to make a system that either gives you a evil eye or quantum portal? Use trigger randomizer
Use an inventory manager and maybe some block code to run some kind of if statement that checks to see if there’s one of the gadget in the player’s inventory, and if else it’s 0, grant it to them?
No, basically I want it so that can EITHER have a evil eye or quantum’s portal
Uh so probably still an inventory item manager, check to see if you have one or the other?
Are you saying you want the player to have both? And you want only two gadget slots?
Oh, you want the player to have a chance to get the quantum or the evil eye. Use a randomizer system that picks a number 1-2 and have each gadget as either 1 or 2. This way people can get either one. If you want to change the number of slots, go to map options and go to items. The first option will ask how many slots you want.
No, I want the player to ONLY have one or another
Yes, that was what I explained. Change the gadget slots to 1. Then make the randomizer to give one or the other.
But, I want there to be multiple item slots
Oh, well multiple slots work as well. I was saying one for just right now.
? How would that work?
That’s where the randomizer comes in. I can’t really explain the randomizer, but it will randomly pick either the quantum portal or the evil eye. It will give only one or the other, not both.
That’s not how my game works really though, you purchase it, then you can equip it. But, I want you to only be able to equip one at a time
If you don’t get what I mean, just see for yourself the link is in my profile
Okay, so you want only one gadget in your inventory at a certain time? Or just to be able to use only one? You can only equip one at a time, but you can prevent the inventory to have a gadget in certain areas.
I want players to have only 1 gadget at a time
You could make it so that when you buy a gadget it removes everything in your inventory and then buys the gadget, but I don’t think it would work because your game has other items you can get right?
It’s definitely possible to make it so that you can only have one gadget at a time, however I don’t have that knowledge at hand right now.