Can you tell me if it’s possible to make overly questions make you lose fragility?
Hmm, intresting question. I actually haven’t thought about it. Try a health granter. (I don’t think it will work tho.)
I have tried that before it sadly dosen’t work
Aw, then I don’t think this is possible, sorry!
Aw ok well thanks anyways
I already know this buy ty
Sadly I don’t think this is possible, it’s pretty much impossible to track health right now, so removing fragility is probably something we can’t do currently.
It will work😀 i tested it out on my map and a questioner, connect to a trigger, that when triggers grants health, will heal the player in fragitility
Did you test it like, rn?
I’ma try this rq
Yes i tested it rn, it will work
Anyways, @Txme_Lxss u and I are wrong lol.
@IjustLikeGimkit Ian should have solved it right?
If they did, please mark solution.
this is actually a fascinating question, I think possibly if you use health granter or smth, is there a health granter…
I already answer this bro
Sorry for sounding a bit rude
I was getting my thoughts across your Okay
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