Help me, I need ideas

correct me if im wrong but your making a game full or mini games right?


Yeah both have some good ideas and I’m making full games with a bunch of mini games also

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ok, so how about a drawing game?


Okay maybe these are the games that already have Snowball,Fishing,farming,Paintball,Dodgeball,Capture the flag,boss fight,ancient ruins,hide and seek,escape room.@B_urn

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What about a animal crossing kind of game? Or recreating real life games, like somebody made Zelda breath of the wild.

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A minigame where you have to get a banana to your partner, who cannot move. (You can only hold one banana at a time, you can never have less than 1 banana in your inventory at a time, and your friend needs a banana in their inventory to open the door for both of you to leave. (Yes this is possible)

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Yeah! Like Pass the orange around the circle without using your hands or feet!


Halloween based or Christmas

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I could give you some tips

Helooooooooooooooooooo I anybody there?

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How about a castle themed mini game!

You could do a cool escape room that is themed like an underwater city.

Maybe like a game of Life game where you make decisions and have like bonus levels and stuff. I’ve been trying to make that but it’s kinda hard.

Defently make super smash bros

I actually made a game similar, but i gave up on it because i was demotivated

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Sorry, @aaron1, I just saw this. How does this lore sound? It may be confusing, but if it doesn’t work, I’ll improve it.

You spawn into an interplanetary crossroads with many diverse regions. Every alien culture that passes through there introduces its common pastimes (ex: fishing, snowball fights, capture the flag, etc.) in different areas of that world. You must escape (maybe solving puzzles) from ancient ruins left by the first settlers of the planet, fight its guardian (maybe a Raveena sentry), and do whatever the goal is in that game to win.

That sounds like a very interesting time! Could you explain more? I also just ran out of likes!

I just need ideas of what things to put in my map

What is the limit to the amount of likes that you can give? Also here is a guide that may help ( with your ideas that are needed @aaron1 ): How to make different biomes 0/10 or ⬜ [WIP]

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I may be late, but…

A campaign mission map to progress through with your friends. Use pseudo health or a property as a life, you have 5, and get through to the final mission. It can be a fully fledged storyline!