Help making "lobby"

Okay okay, I know this isn’t a lobby, but I didn’t know what else to call it.

this is the central area for my minigame game (hehe)

and it looks so… empty

I want the main color to keep being that lilac-ish purple, since I really like it lol

does anyone have any tips to make it more interesting?
(btw, those purple circles radiate from the spawn point, and i made it possible to walk on the text, just for fun :wink: )

I’ll check back on the replies later, i have to go somewhere

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add props, maybe some other terrain, or even a vending machine with a free gadget (with a damage multiplier set to 0x ofc) for people to play around with

  • You could add some props around an tint them if you want to keep the same


  • You could add little secrets for the player to find
  • maybe some parkour
  • a tutorial or overview of what to do in the game (idk if it’s needed though)

You should add props with a white tint to give it some black and white feel

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