Help I think I found a bug

Uh I’m outside the map border… I have no clue how I got here.

might wanna post this on here
Escaping the world border in Gimkit (READ FIRST POST BEFORE REPLYING)

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Do you have the look around with mouse setting on?

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Maybe try reloading your game?

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No I don’t have that setting on


Well I can just shift click out, but I don’t know how I got there in the first place


Most likely a camera glitch. Those happen sometimes.


Does this bug happen over and over again when you reload?

If it doesn’t, sometimes there’s a hiccup in the internet for a brief period of time. I would only worry if this happens repeatedly.


No it’s not a camera glitch. A camera glitch only let’s you see one specific spot.

And I am pretty sure it isn’t an internet issue cuz I found out how to replicate it

if you found out how to replicate it then you must have been able to get out of the glitch?..

Oh yeah. You can just shift+click to teleport out, but I was just wondering at the time how I got there in the first place

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well how did you replicate it? That would be the answer?

I found out that if you shift+click into the very corner of the map (I found the bottom left to be the easiest place to do it) and then move into the edge of the map

One second let me get a screen recording

Or I guess not. It’s not letting me upload it(the screen recording) :confused:

Are you trying to figure out the teleportation problem?

I have a video but I forgot that i can’t do that just screenshots**