Help i need to make a way to check if a player has deid it switches teams

self explanatory this is for my space game wheere you survive on mars and have to eat potatoes to survive you can build a base bye the way its in platformer

sorry for the explantion mark just need to fill it up and forums has auto delete

Lifecycle (on knockout, transmit on channel x)
Team switcher (on channel x, switch teams)
Does that help? Do you need pictures?

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Lifecycle (when player knocked out) → trigger

Code for trigger:

Team switcher (switch strategy team 2) (switch to configured team when receiving on “Switch to team 2”)
Team switcher (switch strategy team 1) (switch to configured team when receiving on “Switch to team 1”)


just in case!!!
agian exclamtion is filler

can it change to spectate

Yeah, it can, just change that setting in the team switcher (team: spectator)

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its in platformer buy the way ai dont see the blocks option

So place a trigger, then go to the blocks menu. The trigger triggers on the lifecycle and then the trigger itself actually sends the channel for the team switching. Did you see Fulcrum’s post?

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also for future refrence glowing turtle and fulcrum are solution

what happens if i place a >= instead of =

You’re going to just want an = block, as that basically returns a true or false (boolean) that is used to decide which action to do.

As in, there are only two options so we don’t need an >= because it wouldn’t be needed.

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If you want to save some memory, you can put a knockout manager listening to a player getting knocked out that sends a signal to the team switcher

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