Help forum users needed

Where am I on the list

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Your not on the list cause I took enough space to be on it! You just got cut! JK AGAIN LOLOLOLO!1!1!

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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Please don’t ping people unless you need their help.


Mb I forgot they ping them when I @ people

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That’s kind of rude and unnecessary but uh okay

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Can you not see I’m just joking? Not trying to be rude but come on.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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I know but as I said

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Guys stop pinging them this sends them a notification for no good reason.

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One as comment before I leave this post forever forever…

How’s it rude?

Anyways sorry if I made it kinda awkward I always do this when I get complimented

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sorry for pinging yall

Why was my post flagged? It wasn’t even inaproppiate?!

It was offensive to all the users you pinged. They are annoyed.

It’s chill Im gonna stop talking about right


Here is some pretty important people to me on forums

  • Matheas
    and loperander

Sadly most of them have left forums :pensive:

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Thanks for your opinion

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Guys, let’s keep this nice or close it. Thank you.