Help calculating a number amount (not items) in gimkit!

So each section (area if you like to call it) has a certain amount of stickers in it
I want the game to know when you collect all these stickers to open the exit door.

How much each section has:
Section 1: 4 stickers
Section 2-5: 8 stickers each
Section 6: 5 stickers.

The stickers are not items if that helps.

You can drop the stickers also.

you could use a counter and the sticker increases the counter by one when the counter reaches the number required the door opens


Oh I should have mention that you can drop the stickers sry :sweat_smile:

You can set a counter to a number and decrease it by 1 when you get a sticker. When the counter is 0 the door opens.

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This way is good too but I would also have to make it decrement when I drop one, the other way is easier

Thanks though :smiley:

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