Health Bar for Sentries

Is there a way to put a health bar above a sentry to track its health? Like if I were to sh00t it once, it would drop the bar a little. (kind of a complicated request)


No, I do not believe so.

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I will wait to see if anyone else has an idea before marking a solution.

At least, unless youre using pseudo health. Then whenever you “damage” it, you make a red barrier that is completely opaque over that to signal “damage”.


well, you can probably use an activity feed and a text with blocks?
(IDK I’m just rifting here)

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quite basic I would say (I think)





With pseudo health yes. I’m not quite sure you can detect when a sentry is hit though…

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A psuedo Sentry!! what about that
so there is a damagable item surrounding the sentry and so it deactivates once that is destroyed

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It is quite basic. It just costs your time (repetitiveness) and a bit of braincells (The Final Braincell)


It’s not gimpossible.


I mean if you where to use like ten sentries with really low health in the same spot, maybe.
You would have to have only one sentry active at the start of the game; having the rest of them de-active.
Then you would have to set it so the active sentry sends out a transmission when it’s knocked out and that transmission tells one of the de-active sentries to activate.
For the bar itself you would have to make it so each transmission deactivates a barrier to imitate a health bar.

(this would only work in an enclosed room reserved for a boss fight or something)

let me know if you have any questions!

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You won’t need 10 different sentries. If the game knows you’re using a weapon and what rarity it is, then it could bring down the bar accordingly.
And yes, the game can know what you’re using.
You just have te register data when a certain event occurs.


Is there a forum post you can direct me to? (I’m working on a project that needs to know what gadget the player is actively holding, and I’ve resorted to using overlays ;-; )

Though I dont see how this helps, I feel having your gadget change every time the boss takes damage would be a little jarring for the player (then again this isn’t my help post)

I have an idea what about you stack invisible damagable objects and everytime one gets destroyed a health bar goes down slightly!

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it can only be technical damage, like damage not made by a gadget and made by a laser or damager device.

eh why not call it pseudo damage? sounds better. So pseudo health, pseudo damage, physical health, physical damage

sounds so much better


That might.

I feel like there was a way to make it so a barrier is only effected by the player. . .

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That might work… ill try the others before marking a solution (it may take a while bc i have to leave soon sorry lol) also, im not that smart to know what this pseudo thing is but ill try to figure it out lol


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