Healing zone that heal's every second

i need to know how to make a healing zone that heal’s every second for my bedwars game

its simple zone>>>>>>trigger triggered x trigger on x >>>>>>>heath granters 1 heath

oh yeah Zone: exited >>>>>trigger deactivate trigger

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that doesn’t stop it when you leave the zone.

Player enters zone, transmit on “Start Healing Repeater”
Player leaves zone transmit on “Stop Healing Repeater”
Set the repeater to start when receiving on “Start Healing Repeater” and stop when receiving on “Stop Healing Repeater”
Make it transmit when task occurs on “Heal”
Set a health granter to grant when receiving on “Heal”

Have a repeater that is active when player enters a zone and wire the repeater to the health granter and have a wire repeater to the zone and have it set to player exits zone ( I’m not sure there is a setting for that but there may be) and have the wire repeater wired to the repeater and set it to stop repeater.

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