GKC Black Screen

I was just on another tab on the GKCF and then went back to GKC to see my screen had gone entirely black, strangely I could interact with the UI perfectly fine.

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This happened to me too but I could not recreate the glitch, it happened after I took a screen shot of the game. Other players could not see the black screen.

Did you have the game running something? If so, it might be trying to catch up but giving this black screen in the process.

That happens to me literally every day, it won’t do any harm just make sure you save.

You’ll have to load a new game because there isn’t a way to turn it back to the regular, or at least I haven’t found one. It usually happens when you have a bunch of tabs open, and you switch to a new tab or create a new tab, or if your CPU is running really high.

did you try to press play and see if the game runs?

When that happens to me, the game can run, and you can press buttons and overlays, you just can’t see anything

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THIS HAPPENS SO MANY TIMES FOR ME. Yeah, just save map and try again.

This happens to me except its white

that might be caused by being on a different tab for a while

My gosh it happened to me 5 times in the past 3 1/2 months

I think this also happened to me once