Gimnight battle pass

What do you mean by that?

like tomatoe town, deserts any thing

So you need help designing locations? If so, what locations do you have in mind?

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Freshwater, marine, savanna, tropical rainforest, temperate rainforest, city, village, laboratory, just some random ideas.

thanks. have a nice day

No problem. Make sure to mark a solution.

Make a volcano

Use black scraps and pink water in the middle. Layer the scraps to make it look “tall”. (Make the bottom scraps level 1 and floor, then level 2 and wall, then lava and level, with them looking like rings.)

ok tank you very much

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Remember to mark a solution to avoid clutter (extra spam on helps)

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okay thanks. see ya. peace

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If you ask, someone might just have a guide for building a fortnight map

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I made one way back when creative
first came out and I still have it if u need me to make a guide


hey guys are you guys okay? you guys haven’t response in a year!!!

I left for awhile sry about that I haven’t had time to delete this

its been… 10… months…

this is… 2 days… before… I joined…

i have and idea!
a floating island

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Why is this still opened?


idk but i aint complaining

nah, better question, HOW is this still open?