Gimkit: The Altered Universe

Idea: The player remembers blastball stadium, rocky farms, ect. They visit each to realize that they are destroyed but there is someone following them.
Basically piggy lore wait what? Now it is a piggy styled game.
So basically I need help with:

Names Of Each Chapter. Has to be related with each game mode. Like Abandoned Battlefield(Apoclypse)

What types of sentries what go with each map(Like Farmer Sid + Farmchain)

And the lore

By the way, should I have player Mode?

  • Player Mode!
  • No Player!
0 voters
  • Abandoned Stadium
  • Blastball Buzz
  • Collapsing Colosseum
0 voters

Good idea!

Apocalypse Chapter Poll.

What should apocalypse chapter be called?

[poll type=regular results=always public=true chartType=bar]
  • Abandoned Battle Field
  • Outpost Orbit
  • Continued Battle
[/? [poll ]


your poll broke while I tried to vote

It is now fixed! It should be working…

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Are you new if so welcome to GKC furom

They joined in september 2023, so not at all. And they are a TL2 member.

No I have the anniversary badge

oh I didn’t read oopies

anyways uh any suggestions?

so is it like someone is following the form the past or something

What do you mean by player mode?

It could be nothing wrong with that.

Should it be sentries or a player looking to find them?

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Well its hard for a sentry to chase them, since I don’t think they can do that yet, player its easier.

The Dorm
idk some map near the end of the game where you must escape and when you find out where the infection is coming from
Forgot! Use Sentry as the skin

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hm ok maybe if you maybe it in a story built-like-map

Ooh! maybe the infection is coming from one way out

Then again, players can end camp, so thats also annoying.

Make some anti-camp system like if they stand at the end for to long they get teleported furthest away from the end and get stunned temporaily.

have a wall and make it to where you got like 5 minutes to prepare before the wall gets destroyed

Parry gadgets around the map in which if you get caught while having one, you parry the attack and stun the evil guy instead.