Idk if i can add the hat, what colors do you want in it
Do more pastel colors and replace purple with green. (If you are able to, add confetti on the cheeks)
tuscan sun pistachio green bubblegum and cornflower blue
cool, but this guide isn’t for requesting your custom gims to be made, it’s adding sprite sheets of current gims, testing unreleased ones, and adding already-made fangim spritesheets
I should’ve said this to everyone sooner, because it’s starting to clutter my topic.
Can someone test this???
Did You Read What Kat_Mac Said? This Isn’t The Place For That.
Try asking them on the wix, i can understand how you want it to be tested.But We Are currently on the progress of restoring this guide,Hope You Can Understand
Then maybe make it possibke for both so people can still have fun with this guide plus have the for real sprite sheets of the official gims
does anyone have summit seeker files?
Some one have echo files I need them for my Agent X update.
how do you use these in game…
Ok and how I edit them c@nva,scratch,etc
wait so we can add custom gims here
@Quack_Quack is suspended indefinitely, he can’t respond.
They said re-add, not add, so whatever Kat says it what you should do.
Oh is there any Gimbit spritesheets? I need one to draw something
can’t a moderator un-suspend him? [1]
didn’t happen with inky before they you know… got demoted and went crazy ↩︎
He requested it, to end the fun cure the addiction of this place.