Gimkit Spinefiles/spritesheets 2.0! [📑]

question will custom gims be part of the wiki

idk but can someone mod this for me so I can look at it in game (idk how)

or something like an armadillo gim, I know this sucks

yeah ill do it th looks kinda cool

i edited it a little

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yo @Kat_aronii may i make a seperate wiki for custom gims to take some work off you shoulders cus i know you said something about making a custom gim section

okay that gives me strength to go do that

how do you find the spritesheets on the gimkit wiki?

Gimkit Spinefiles/ spritesheets [📑] - Community Made Guides - Gimkit  Creative

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The picture is blocked @ninjaaaaago

Can I edit I have a few spritesheets??

What What do you mean???

This is what I see

Hmm did you reload it.
lemme try this

How did @sebarex make a custom gim?

I think he changed his own gimkit gim file to look like the gim he drew

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I actually drew that gim, I was trying to make an armadillo gim, but it didn’t turn out very well.