Gimkit Health upgrade/soul system Guide 1/10🟦

Alright guys we’ve had some ok soul/health upgrade systems so far but I have found a good way to make a new proper one for barely any memory



  • Item granter or billboard (1-10 your choice)
  • Checker (same as how many item granters you picked
    *Health or speed granter (how every many checkers you picked or any amount you want but at least have the number you had for checkers and item granters)
  • Two zone
  • life cycle
  • One spawn pad
  • One Respawn
  • trigger
Step 1

Then set the life cycle to when player knocked out trigger
Now the zone should be set up.

Step 2

get a checker for this I will use 1 set them up for any Item of any amount for this will use watermelon. Once you have done that wire it to the zone

Step 3

after that set the players health to 500 but only give 25% just for an example, set it to whatever you want.

After that get a health granter or speed and add it to if the check passes I will grant 100 health and 2x speed like this.

Step 4

Add a item billboard or a item granter what ever you want and add a respawn and a extra zone wire the zone. when player enters zone respawn also wire the item granters up to a puchasing system or just give it to the player then wire the zone to a trigger when zone entered trigger. then add a wire repeater to the zone delay for 2 sec then deactivate the zone when the delay is done.

Final Product

That’s all sorry I could not posts gif for it but that’s how to make permanent health system/soul system. (Note that the respawn thing was just my way of getting the item you can put pay walls behind it too or grant the player your item later ) :slight_smile:

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punctuation please???

sorry Im not the best with grammer ;/

i can’t even tell whats going on???

there is literally zero punctuation???

I’ll fix it sorry for the inconvinence.