Gimkit Awards: Final Vote

@atomic_samuria, how is @VoidFluffy your hero if you just joined 1 day ago? :smile_cat:

Should I make an account on the wixsite? :thinking:

A lot can happen in a day

Sure, if you want

LOL yeah. :laughing: Good point, @Cellofive! Is it true youā€™re leaving?

Well, Iā€™ll hopefully log on everyday, but not post until mid september or early august

I have not been on the forums in a long time! I must have missed a lotā€¦ Probably got to update everything. And Iā€™ve also got to grind to regular again. ā€˜sighā€™

Dang! Almost everyone I know here on the forums hasnā€™t been on either! I really have missed a lot!

Iā€™m still hereā€¦


You canā€™t ā€œgrind to get regularā€ if you havenā€™t noticed, the moderators have locked you at trust level 0.

I was just scrolling through the topics. Some of you guys might have changed pfp

Wait what?! Where does it say that? Is there a reasonā€¦? I donā€™t know why they would do thatā€¦

How did you get banned to begin with?


And donā€™t expect me to know, email or message the mods to see why

I thought I was just reset.

I donā€™t even know myself. I woke up one day and I was a new user. I donā€™t recall posting anything that would get me bannedā€¦ I have actually been really confused myself.

Actually, I was never banned. I just gave up on the forums for a little while and decided to get on today, hoping to grind.

yes! or maybe no, as CringeKarlScott, the website owner, will likely be making a discourse website soon.

I got Rick rolled on yay

why is ur profile hidden?

Why not

are you ban speedrunning? :mag: