Gimgamer1, mark a solution, we are not playing around

Nope. Looks great! Wait, can you change the color of the wings to blue?

If you need context I can send you a video.

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Ping me when you are done.

You done with my pilot gim @VoidFluffy

One minute the file needs to export

Here, just credit me in your bio if you use it (it’s a placeholder btw)


This is better


Sorry gimgamer for not responding
I’ll cook up some edited versions
@voidfluffy i forgot to erase that after I found that it looked weird lol


Ok, just make sure that you send me a No title version

For my background

Do you also have a time lapse? For that thumbnail? (If you have one sure, but if you don’t do not make another thumbnail(

I’m going to make a better one tomorrow, this is just a placeholder

Oh. stop excepted nothing

your sentence is breaking my brain

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Lemme break your one brain cell

I used to have more but

stole 99.999999999999999999% of them

can you explain what you meant

Ok you have broke my brain cells now so I gotta go to watch ride of the guardians

Byeeeeeeee see you later break a cell?

can you explain what you meant with “stop excepted nothing”

I was going to say you have excepted dea_h but I cannot post the word.

Do you mean accepted instead of excepted…? excepted is improper in this context, I would assume you know that since you’re not underage… or are you??