Game mode help (too short title)

It’s a mini game not a bomb threat…

it is a mini game if you belive it is message a gimgod and let them decied the fate of this place

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Welcome to the forums @Kamauouer.

okay i will have a good day ill be gone till late tonight

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Did someone say bombs?!
Here to help! Give me like 2 hours I got school

You could give everyone a quantum portal and x10 damage so they die and go back to their last checkpoint

Actually an idea is you could disable infinite refills, and put a heavy shard item spawner (or whatever qp’s take), on said platform for people to collect!

Yes! Use a tag zone and a timer, when timer reaches zero, reset it and remove the player.

i might just mark a solution, this seems complicated, i can change the minigame to something else

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