Game ides please

Oh that’s sounds fun like an adventure and there could be snow grass and rock.

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What if you make a Battle royal game that allows you to dig up below your enemies and surprise them from below. Maybe Both teams Spawn a mother ship in the beginning to pick there weapons, then after a timer, the respawn in these little shutes that drops them ont the battlefeild


You can also make it so no one can fire in the mothership

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What if you do a Hide and seak where some players bury themselves in the ground while one player hunts them down, it could become like infection until the last mole is rated out

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If your good at block coding you could make a 4 way tag infection. EG. If a team 1 guy tags a team 3 that team 3 goes to team 1. And they fight until there is one team standing.

But then the tagging team is decided by who is the bountied player. So if the player is on team 2 team 2 can tag but if the player is eliminated (they would have zappers) tagging goes to the team who eliminated the bounty. And the bounty has a waypoint so everyone knows where they are.
Its a tough project but it could work.

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Are you think platformer or top down?


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What should I call this game?


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@Silver-Bullet great idea that I just though of, and Dig it up made it kinda possible (might not work though) Paper Minecraft

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If you want something funny you could use :sparkles: mole hunt :sparkles:
Cause honestly id play that.

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Yes I will try that!!!

Does anyone have any ideas for a snow game cause I really want to make a game that has snow right now. :wink:

Maybe a yeti or some other snow monster escaped and you have to go catch it but you’re on two different teams and each team tries to capture the yeti/snow monster first to win. There could also be other side quests. You could do it in platformer or top-down, whichever you prefer.

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Yes good idea but also what makes a game good enough for the community pics?

Or you can make a dodgeball like game

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Yeah I don’t really know how to do that :frowning:

How about this:

Don’t forget to mark a solution to close the topic!

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Make like sentries , on one side and a team on the other if you get hit you dye

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i mean its your choice, but i would have like a special power up that can let you have 2X the damage for each weapon

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