Game ends for only one player but not everyone else?

I want to be able to have a continuous gimkit game, but when a player finishes the final level, the game ends for them, but not everyone else. Is this possible or should I just have a message at the end that pops up telling them to sign out when they are done?

Students will be entering at various times, the goal is to finish, not necessarily be first to finish. So I don’t want everyone else kicked out when one of them finishes.


i found this:

I might be able to make something like this work. Hard to figure out without the images…

So essentially, when they finish the final level it makes them a spectator? Then the game ends when there is no one else left in the game?


yes pretty much (rip the images after the image purge)

My final level is a super challenging trivia. Each correct answer gains a point, each incorrect loses a point. They must earn 20 points.

Once the counter reaches the target of 20, it activates the End Game button. Once they click the end game button, they become a spectator.

So all I had to do was wire the counter to the button. Then wire the button to a team switcher with it set to spectator.

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