Fragility question

if you have a 2X Damage boost zapper with fragility on, will it do two times the fragility? the reason I need this is because I’m making a slap battles game (don’t copy me) and I’ll need this. Thanks everybody and Purple Stickman out!

I believe so, yes. I can be totally wrong though. Let me check.


No, fragility can only max at 999%, nothing else.
oh mb
lemme check rq
it doubles

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He’s asking for double the fragility dealt, not double the limit

I think it should. I could be wrong though


No no no, that’s not the question, my question is if a zapper has two times damage, but the fragility mode is on, will it deal DOUBLE the fragility of a normal zapper? I know about the limit, and SirWyWy is right.

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I just tested it does do double.


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